‘Mobilegeddon’ hits the small screens

Article Topic(s): Marketing, Web Design

This Spring,
‘Mobilegeddon’ hits the small screens
– Be unprepared at your peril…

Responsive Web Design

Tuesday, April 21, 2015 known by some as “Mobilegeddon” is fast approaching. Google’s new algorithm will soon be rewarding mobile-friendly sites in search rankings. Want to know if your website, landing pages, and blog are fully optimised for mobile? You can check your site here.

mobile friendly screenshot

If your website is mobile friendly, now is the time to congratulate yourself on your forward thinking and great choice of web designer.  You can go back to work, secure in the knowledge that your page ranking will remain the same.

However, if you get any of the ‘dreaded red crosses’ (see image below), you will need to take action to maintain your current listing.

un friendly screenshot


Updating your website to maintain your current search engine ranking gives you a competitive edge and opens your site up to the huge proportion (85%!) of your target market using their smart phones to search for local businesses every single day.

How many times have you been on the go and tried to source a product or service only to discover the website you want isn’t mobile friendly?  You have to try to drag the screen around to find the section that you want?  It’s infuriating and more often than not, you give up and move on.

Make your website a pleasure to visit on any platform.  That way your clients will keep returning, even if they are in the middle of the school run, on a shopping trip or in a cafe with friends.

The first rule of ‘Mobilegeddon’? Don’t panic. Call us on 020 8530 1500, for advice or a quote, and we’ll take you from zero to ‘Mobilegeddon-hero’ (make your site mobile-friendly) before you can say ‘ultimate optimum optimisation’.

Or pop into our ‘Mobilegeddon-proofed’ South Woodford Studios and wait for this all to blow over. While you do, we’ll give you a free consultation (and tea and biscuits) and show you how easy it is to improve your business website.

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