Okay, so we all know how important social media is to the success of business… and how vital it is to have a consistent and strong connection with your clients through the platforms they spend 1/4 of their day on. But…how are you supposed to manage facebook, twitter, instagram, pinterest and all of the other social media accounts out there when you are too busy running your company?

Ever thought of hiring a social media manager? Social media manager’s are freelance consultants who specialise in social media, know what the clients want, and ensure that your messages get across in time and inline with the two most important rules of social media:

1) With users online spending an average of 15 minutes every hour on social media  (shocking!)  and the amount of pages visited, tweets read and photos viewed, in that time, it is imperative that your messages in the network remain consistent.  That is consistent in mission statement and in time. Customers will come back to your pages when they know they can expect an update. If you post every Thursday, then post every Thursday. If you only post recipes, continue to only post recipes. The more consistent you are, the more guarantee you will have of your customers coming back to visit you when they know to visit you and it will become part of their routine. For example, the Promoworx team are addicted to ‘The Walking Dead’, every Sunday evening. (So scary) Imagine if the network changed the time on us, or the channel, whenever they felt like it, we wouldn’t be able to get our zombie fix when we look forward to it and would quickly loose interest.

2) People like a personal touch when it comes to dealing with companies. The more personable a company can be, the more they can create a face and personality for their organisation, the more likely new and existing customers will stick around to have a relationship, not just be a number in the company books. Customers use social media to get in touch. Yes, that means what your company is up to and selling, but not.all.of.the.time. People don’t want to be sold stuff constantly, it becomes too much, too often and eventually they will loose interest and shut you out. Think of it as a shop assistant who won’t leave you alone….ever…bit much isn’t it? Keep it fresh by throwing in comments on current events, some random interesting facts about your employees, some of your favourite things, what’s new in your company’s industry, etc.

It’s a lot to think about and stay on top of we know. If you don’t have a social media guru on your team you might want to think about hiring one. It’s amazing just how quickly a growth in social media can mean a growth in your connection with customers and return in sales.

Need more info? Want to speak to someone about media management? Contact the marketing & social media gurus at Promoworx, we are always happy to help!

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