From 25th May 2018, GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations) come into force.
The new GDPR law is complex and extensive. However, we can give you some practical advices on things to help you start to comply.

1. Is your website collecting any data?

If your websites collecting any data, that you might not even notice such as ‘Google Analytics’, your website needs to have a ‘Privacy Policy’ page to comply. It needs to tell people what you are going to do with the data.

Ask us to add a ‘Privacy Policy Page’, starting at £55.

2. Are you collecting email addresses?

If you run an email marketing or collecting email addresses for it, you need to explicitly ask permission to send someone email marketing. It’s not okay to hide it in your privacy policy, and it’s not okay to pre-tick opt-in box which people have to untick. Those things are not allowed anymore.

If your website has contact forms, registration forms or check out pages, we can still add this tick boxes if you don’t have them yet. Or if you have pre-ticked boxes, we can re-programme the default setting.

Ask for our ‘Opt-in’, ‘Tune-up’ services, starting at £99.

3. Are you sending out marketing emails?

Make sure marketing emails tell people how to unsubscribe. That could be a link to click to unsubscribe. Don’t wait until May to do it – make sure your marketing emails comply. Most importantly once someone has opted out, it’s critical you stop sending stuff or face stiff files from the regulator.

Ask about building an ‘Opt-out Landing Page’, starting at £199.

4. Is your website SSL Certified?

You know the little padlock symbol you see in your browser address bar? It technically means the website has an SSL Certificate. This encrypts transmission of the data.

In October 2017, Google implemented the part of its plan to label any site without an SSL certificate as non-secure. This means that your visitors might get a nasty warning when they use your contact form unless your website has an SSL Certificate. This would freak some people out. So it’s best to take an action today.

Ask about an ‘SSL Certificate’, starting at £35 per year if we host your website.
Click here to see our SSL Certificate Packages.

The new GDPR legislation is to protect your personal data and to prosecute rogue organisations who misuses it.

We only covered online-related matters here, but GDPR also apply to direct mails and other marketing means your business may use.
If you would like to find out more about GDPR, click here.

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