Is It Time for Your Company to Rebrand?

Article Topic(s): Graphic Design, Marketing

Whether you’re in the process of expanding your business or you simply think you are not connecting with your current or prospective clients and partners anymore, rebranding should be among your next strategies. This is the process of adapting your brand message to efficiently suit your business’ needs.

However, knowing when to rebrand is one of the biggest challenges companies struggle with. For you to avoid this, Promoworx have prepared a short list of signs that will tell you when it’s time for your brand to be refreshed.

Your business has matured

An evolving company is inevitable and so is the fact that your brand may no longer be suited for the business you have today. In light of this, you need to undergo rebranding, this will ensure your brand adapts to your evolving identity and supports your company’s growth.

You are targeting a new audience

If you are targeting new clientele, you need to be sure that your brand doesn’t send the wrong message. Create a customer profile by thoroughly researching your new target audience. After that, consider your audience’s feedback on what they want and need to help you in pursuing your new brand direction.

Your brand is no longer credible

Lack of credibility means your brand is not meeting your audience’s expectations anymore. This is a huge red flag that certainly calls for a refresh as you need to have a plausible brand message to strengthen the quality of your company in the market. Create a brand message that sends the right expectations while ensuring that the whole output still aligns with what your business is actually offering.

Promoworx are a leading London design agency that offer top quality design services at reasonable prices. If you’re looking for experienced local graphic designers to help you with your upcoming rebranding project, we are your best choice. Click here to see our previous works or give us a call on 0208 530 1500 for more information.

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