
Cyber Monday – Are You Ready?

Article Topic(s): Client Focus, Event, Graphic Design, Marketing, News, Print, Web Design


Cyber weekend. Cyber Monday. Are you ready? We’re ready! No no, don’t worry, this does not involve heading down to Camden to dance away with the cyborgs at Cyberdog, as interesting as that would be. We’re talking more about one of the largest selling periods of the year which can make up a huge amount of a companies yearly profit. Cyber weekend is a five day period on the run-up to Christmas where an insane amount of products and services are sold. Last year alone, shoppers spent £3.3bn over the weekend which was up a third on the previous year. This year the total sales is estimated to reach £5bn. Five billion pounds. One more time for those that didn’t hear us in the back? FIVE. MILLION. POUNDS!

This sales phenomenon was imported from the US, where Black Friday signifies the day a retailer ‘went into the black’. It marks the official start of the holiday retailing season which is usually the most profitable time for retailers. Last year particularly marked a big change in consumer behaviour as more punters than ever decided not to brave the cold high street but instead chose to browse and shop online.

So right now you’re thinking this is great news for retailers but what does that have to do with my business? Well, as it turns out small businesses (no matter what the industry) are missing out on a piece of the preverbal pie. According to research by the Department for Business, Industry & Skills, nearly half of small businesses still don’t have a website! For those that do, two thirds don’t have one which is transactional – people can’t make purchases via ecommerce on it. Worse still, many of those that can, don’t work properly on a mobile phone, despite more than half of all transactions now being done on mobiles or tablets.

Don’t have a website? Aren’t prepared for cyber Monday? Want a piece of that very large profit pie? Don’t worry! There is still time to get yourself, your staff and your company prepared to up that margin. We work with businesses of all shapes and sizes and we help them to sell online. With such a huge opportunity right around the corner now is the time to look at those marketing materials you have thought about but weren’t quite sure when to put into action. From leaflets to web design we have you covered and it may not cost you as much as you think. Get in touch with us today to bring your company up to the next trading level.

OUR CYBER WEEKEND CHECKLIST (a.k.a. our checklist to awesomeness!)

To make the most of the cyber weekend, start planning now. Here’s just a few of the ways we can help get you prepared:

  • Mobile friendly website
  • Ecommerce capabilty
  • Take payments online
  • In-store posters
  • Integration with EPOS
  • Email marketing campaign
  • Flyers to hand out
  • Direct mail
  • Window posters
  • Outdoor flag


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