Make that Mother’s Day Card a little more special

Article Topic(s): Event, Graphic Design, Print

Mother’s Day is coming up, it’s just around the corner and you are stuck for ideas, or you’re a student and not exactly rolling in funds for a gift, or the thought of shopping for your mum scares you and you want to avoid the shopping center’s at all costs…but you don’t want to cheap out and just buy a faceless card from the shelf in the supermarket. A card that says the same thing every year, to every mum across the country. Your mum is the best and deserves so much more, and you want her to know just how much you love her. But what do you do?

Easy, you tell her yourself, in your own words, exactly what you are thinking, in a card that is custom designed to represent her! It’s simple, on budget but will mean so much! At the end of the day all mother’s really want is to know how much they mean to you and in your own words, not someone else’s. Words from your own heart cannot compare to anything that can be bought.

Not sure where to get started? Give us a call, or pop in and we’ll create or simply print something that is fitting to the world’s greatest mum – yours!

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